Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Herbal Slimming Teas - Japanese Wu Long Teas, AKA The bathroom Diet & Even Collapse

Herbal slimming teas sound good.

Drink some tea, slim down. However, there's a reason they are also known as "toilet teas" because lower your "weight" you lose as well from excessive diarrhea and very diuretic-induced urination. Short term fat-burning at most. More threatening, though, are how these types teas, if used poorly, can permanently damage your organs and could kill you.

Let me declare again... if used improperly many teas can permanently damage your organs and could kill you.

Now, I'm not a doctor but I do know that diet teas basically have faith in either stimulant laxatives and very diuretics (herbal or lab-produced), or perhaps a on appetite-suppressing herbs. A laxative stimulates your intestinal tract movements by irritating the fine print intestine, while diuretics work maximize your urine output. This can make a short term "weight loss" which can be mostly water weight.

More insidious is that laxatives could make chronic diarrhea and water loss which might have reduced magnesium, calcium as well as potassium. Potassium deficiency can create muscle problems, paralysis, and it fatal cardiac arrhythmia. Another serious outcome is that you can permanently damage your gastrointestinal tract (colon) so that it will not function without stimulant laxative. Note the catchphrase "permanently. " While the manufacturers might like you associated with the captive customer, you won't be too thrilled.

Sadly, teas that use appetite suppressant herbs are often dangerous.

Often, the herbs themselves are just downright dangerous. Ie, a favorite herb referred to ma huang reportedly includes a component called ephedrine which can be found in some decongestants and asthma medicines. This is not very good news for those with hypertension, diabetes, or heart problems that. The FDA has, purportedly, reported several deaths i hope ma huang. Bottom telephone line, if you're innocently having your herbal weight-loss tea you probably don't have any idea you could research sipping death.

So, all are herbal slimming teas poor?


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